Sunday, May 26, 2013

Supervisor Election - an update already!

The Daily Greenburgh website belatedly posted its announcement of Bernstein's nomination by the Dem. Town committee at

The interesting part is the comment Feiner posts in response to the article.  His comment dated May 25 (at 12:24 AM!) echoes his FB posting from a couple of days ago by tying Bernstein to the Edgemont secession movement. Feiner goes a step further now by insisting that such secession will have a deleterious financial impact on the rest of the town, as well as Edgemont.   Is Feiner suggesting that as supervisor Bernstein would facilitate Edgemont's secession and incorporation as a separate village or town?  It's not clear to me how, if elected supervisor, Bernstein, who would be one vote out of five on the board, could push this through.  Nevertheless, it's clever of Feiner to immediately go on the attack and put Bernstein in the position of dealing with his past as a leader of the Edgemont secessionists.  I suppose Bernstein could either (1) renounce the earlier secession movement, (2) state that he continues to support it, or (3) ignore this attack.  I would think a powerful, but risky, response would be to argue that the Edgemont secession movement arose directly as a result of Feiner's long-term actions as Town Supervisor and that these reasons would dissipate and secession become irrelevant should Feiner be removed from office. But that argument requires the kind of nuance that is difficult to convey in elections.  
It's also interesting that in these first two jabs at Bernstein, Feiner does not bother to mention any of his own accomplishments and positive reasons for vote for him.
Feiner may also be taking a risk in focusing on Edgemont secession. This Hartsdale resident might start asking why people from Edgemont might want to secede in the first place.  Heck, if Edgemont was willing to take Hartsdale with it and include us in their school district (thereby immediately increasing our property values by 50%), I would be all in favor of secession.    

1 comment:

  1. We have maintained our AAA bond rating, complied with the NYS tax cap (unlike some other local governments). Town services are excellent and we always respond to complaints and concerns of residents--frequently the same day. For more info on some of the positive accomplishments check or (the town website).
    Thank you for taking the time to write this blog.
