Sunday, June 23, 2019

Vote for Eric Zinger for town council and real change in Greenburgh on June 25

I encourage all Greenburgh registered Democrats (including village residents of Hastings, Ardsley, Tarrytown, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington and Elmsford) to vote for Eric Zinger for Greenburgh town council at the Democratic Party primary this Tuesday, June 25th. 

I have gotten to know Eric well over the past few years through his involvement with Hartsdale Neighbors Association. While I whole-heartedly endorse Eric's positions on the issues that drive his candidacy (limiting property tax growth, term limits, responsible choices on development, transparency in government operations, etc.), I am most convinced that Eric will make a remarkable town councilmember by his personal qualities. I have watched the way Eric has conducted his first political campaign with hard work, absolute personal integrity, and respect for his opponents, the party, and residents of all backgrounds. I admire his insistence on always "going high." Greenburgh residents should consider themselves lucky to have a candidate for town council who is principled, deeply knowledgable, and absolutely sincere about making Greenburgh a better place for all its residents. Vote Eric Zinger for town council - you'll thank yourself later.

Dan Weinfeld
Hartsdale resident for 16 years
co-founder and current co-leader of Hartsdale Neighbors Association